Friday, September 19, 2008

Class 1 - week 12 - Progress reel

Then class 1 is done.. here is my progress reel. Showing what I have done.. not so happy with the overlapping assignments.. have to improve that. But at least im showing progress :-)
Would like to say thanks to my classmates and my mentor for 3 great months.. class 2... here I come!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Week 11 - Class 1.... soon class 2, crazy

Here is my result for the week11 assignment. Polished my marching walk from last week.

With the Vanilla walk, I really struggled with the "after blocking mode", when I entered spline mode. Everything looked really messy, and was floating all over the place.
This week I have read a couple of articles and watched Keith Lango's videos about this stage in the animation process, and learned a lot.
So this week I added much more information in to my blocking stage, than last time. And it looked so much better, and I only had to clean up my curves.
So you have to take your time to add enough information in to your blocking. Do not stress!

Soon it's class 2, this was the last assignment in class1. If I look back, I have learned so much.
I also see a dramatic improvement in my drawings. Since we are sketching out poses every week, I have got stronger poses, and cleaner lines. That's so nice to see.

We are going to have a break between the terms, but i'm planning to do a new walk in the break, so would probably upload it here.
Wonder what type of walk I should do? Starts to get really fun now!!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Week 10 - Class1 - Walk with personality

Hey, been quite hectic here. Been sick, and had a long weekend in Iceland, so again, sorry for the lack of updates.
But here is my blocking of my week 10 walk, walk with personality.
Marching marching.. lalala..
This week (week 11) im going to polish this walk.. so hope to upload it here on Sunday :)
Soon summer term is over, the time just flies away.. going super fast!

Soooooon class2 :-)

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